Monday, May 30, 2011

What's this blog all about?

I'm sure a lot of you already know me on different websites, but that's cool. ^^ Seeing now I don't have a blog anymore on Yahoo Pulse, this blogger is a pretty good substitute, I thought.

This blog is mainly just for me to express myself. I love old 90's anime, especially Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon (yes, I'm a guy who likes the show, get over it. xD) I'll also use this blog for my favorite music, which particularly comes from the heavy metal genre. But overall, I think you and I will get along just fine. :) I can be your best friend or your worst enemy, it all depends how things go between us.

Thanks for coming onto my blog and feel free to comment. ^^

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Looking back...

I'll dedicate my first blog to all my friends on the former Yahoo 360 and Yahoo Pulse, which is now undergoing the worst changes as of early June.

I'm really glad to have had my great moments on that site. I met so many cool people and befriended many of them. I loved everybody, regardless of who they were or where they were from. There were even those there who were just like family to me, too, and it was simply a fantastic place to get along with others outside of my many friends in my own hometown.

Though I can't say my time there was a joy all the time. There were those friends of mine who I made bad decisions towards, or they simply backstabbed me. I got into some bitter relationships with lots of people on both 360 and Pulse. *cough* Some people just love abusing my trustworthy and sympathy, while others don't know to keep promises. *cough* But I have to admit I have my own faults in how I got into all these feuds.

But still, those good days seemed to last forever. Although they're going to come to an end really soon, those people I still love have a place in my heart. As much as it sounds stupid, there were so many amazing people I'm glad to have met, and I'll remember those days forever. Thank you, everyone, to all my friends and family on Pulse. :)